​​​​Online Swim Program Booking Form

Before you apply, please choose your program so you can select appropriately on the from below. Here are links to the information you need for each available program:

Collaroy Turtles Information Sheet

Summer Swim & Survive Camp Information Sheet

Community Swim Program Information Sheet

Application Form

Which Program are you applying for? 
Please Select Program
  • A. Collaroy Turtles Water Safety Swim Program: --> Collaroy rockpool, Sunday mornings, 8-9.30am from beginning of December to end of March each summer. Bookings are open from the first week in November to the start of December. Cost and payment details for the program will be advised upon receipt of the booking and confirmation of inclusion.
  • B:  Summer Swim & Survive Camps Collaroy and Forster -->  Conducted during the January summer school holidays held at Collaroy rockpool & beach and also at Forster Ocean Pool (Dates for each camp and costs to be advised)
  • C.  Community Swim Program -->  Program is open to those who are from a CALD background ie. Tibetans. Lessons are conducted on Saturday afternoons during school terms at Fisher Road School, 115 Fisher Road Dee Why at 4.30-6.30pm. Cost and payment details for the program will be advised upon receipt of the booking and confirmation of inclusion.
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Can you swim 25m?
Do you receive swimming lessons elsewhere?
Photographic/Film Image Consent – Water Skills For life advises that photographic and film images of participants in our swim programs may be used by us for the purposes of promotion and marketing of our programs and projects.
Name of parent or guardian if under 16 years old
Emergency Contact Person
Emergency Landline Number
Emergency Mobile  Number
Medical Details (Optional)
Eating disorder
Breathing disorder
 Epilepsy/ Fainting/Dizziness Disorder
Any other relevant condition
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We are always happy to hear from you - so please contact us at any time